Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On Tweets I'd Twitter Regarding Cable News, If I Tweeted

Tonight, I watched a ten-minute "debate," on CNN, about whether Fox News is truly "fair and balanced."
It was so Jabberwockian that somehow, Jeffrey Toobin of the New Yorker magazine, a generally sensible human (and the author of this most excellent book), wound up concurring with Sean Hannity.
Even Bay Buchanan was unable to conjure a single Xenophobic rant.
Then again, this is the first CNN segment I've watched in several months that did not directly involve Rick Sanchez encouraging me to express my opinion on the abortion debate in 140 characters.
Though all of this made me realize: I now turn to MSNBC for the screeds of Keef O. and the Tao of Tweety, and I turn to Fox to hear Glenn Beck bray about the Obamaclypse, and I turn to CNN for centrist technological pandering to young people who would only watch Campbell Brown if there were video of her water breaking on YouTube.
Except: Where do I turn for news? Like, when an Islamic revolution breaks out?
Oh, bless you, Huffington Post!
Arianna Huffington: "Everything on the internet is accelerated; we need to accelerate. ... You have to think of a company like Huffington Post more in dog years, than human years."
I concur: It is always best to handle the news like a McRib.

Mix all the parts together, even the inedible ones, and serve it up hot and slathered in a sweet Rob Thomas sauce.
Also, does this mean it's time to spay and neuter Alec Baldwin?

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